Trench Collapse Case Results in Confidential Settlement

Shortcuts save time, sure, but there’s a reason why standards are put in place and that is to protect anyone involved - workers and public alike - from potential injury or death. While issues can still occur even when following rules perfectly, the chance of catastrophe increases exponentially when rules are not followed. For a family that Amaro Law Firm represented, following OSHA standards may have prevented the loss of their family member. He was a construction worker installing conduit for fiber optic cables in a trench with a coworker. The trench had been dug by heavy machinery, and prior to the workers heading into the trench to install the conduit, the foreman should have directed that the trench walls be shored up, but that was never done. As the workers were installing the conduit, one side of the trench collapsed, striking one of the workers in the head and then burying him in tons of dirt and rocks. James Amaro and Matt Elwell of Amaro Law Firm came to Focus Graphics to get an animation that would show how the collapse occurred. We created the scene from multiple views, then descended into the trench to show the workers and the eventual collapse. Upon review, it was decided to also include the OSHA-approved right way and demonstrate what a properly shored up trench would have looked like so that the defense could see what would be shown to a jury should it get to trial. It never did, settling for a confidential sum for Amaro Law Firm’s client.

Seton and his team are professionals who get it. We have been impressed with their process and intuition in producing some of the highest quality work for reasonable prices. The animations we have developed in collaboration with their team have been absolutely effective in helping the decision makers understand our clients’ claims. Thank you for all you do!”

~James Amaro, Esq., Houston, TX

Amaro Law Firm

Seton and the team at Focus Graphics do amazing work for clients. They help tell your client’s story in an unmatched visual presentation and dedicate themselves to getting it right until your client’s story is told exactly how it happened. I appreciate all that Focus Graphics does for our clients.

~Matt Elwell, Esq., Houston, TX

Amaro Law Firm

Ready to find out more?

Our team of animators, illustrators and medical professionals are ready to make your demonstratives ready for your next mediation or litigation. Click on the link to the right or give us a call (702) 849-0090.