Suite of Demonstratives Help Jury Return $38.6M Verdict in Wrongful Death Case

A lack of security at an apartment complex resulted in the fatal shooting of a Nevada Army National Guard Specialist. Two men approached Dylan Salazar in the parking lot of Sportsman’s Royal Manor apartment complex in an attempt to steal his pickup truck, then shot him and fled the scene.…

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Confidential Global Settlement Using System Failure Timeline

One of the most enjoyable things working in this field is collaborating with our customers on important projects, and that is just what we did for Allasia Brennan. She came to us with a very complex case against a hospital. Brennan’s client showed up in an ER with abdominal pain,…

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15x Increase in Settlement for TBI Case

Brain injuries can be extremely difficult to prove, especially when your client does not strike their head. Sean Claggett was faced with this exact fact pattern in a referral slip and fall case he had against a Las Vegas mall. Sean’s client was seen on grainy video slipping and falling;…

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