Trench Collapse Case Results in Confidential Settlement

Shortcuts save time, sure, but there’s a reason why standards are put in place and that is to protect anyone involved – workers and public alike – from potential injury or death. While issues can still occur even when following rules perfectly, the chance of catastrophe increases exponentially when rules…

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High 7-figure Settlement in Air Bag Failure Case

Expectation, when purchasing a vehicle, is that all safety features will work as expected should an accident occur. Crumple zones, air bags, seat belts…they should all work together to protect the occupants of a vehicle. Unfortunately for Cassandra Thorson’s client, her safety system, specifically her vehicle air bags, did not…

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Bicyclist TBI Case Settles for 7-figures

As an attorney, when a client contacts you about taking their case, you hope that everything lines up, there is clear liability, and you can be all but assured of a win. Unfortunately, there are often small details that throw a wrench into it and you have to get creative.…

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$1M Settlement in Faulty Carpet Installation Case

Builders are required to stick to code during construction, but the reality is that sometimes corners get cut and they don’t always follow the code. In the case of Patrick Kang’s client, that corner being cut resulted in a traumatic ankle injury. Mr. Kang’s client was walking through a doorway…

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