Rear-end Collision Results in $8.5M Verdict

Attorneys are faced with challenging cases all the time, and Ron Croft Bone is no exception. His 74-year old female client was rear-ended by a box truck at about 45MPH…seems like a homerun! But Mr. Bone had some hurdles to clear. His client had actually slammed on the brakes at…

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Bicyclist TBI Case Settles for 7-figures

As an attorney, when a client contacts you about taking their case, you hope that everything lines up, there is clear liability, and you can be all but assured of a win. Unfortunately, there are often small details that throw a wrench into it and you have to get creative.…

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$91M Verdict in Premises Liability Case

When Eric Fong’s client entered a convenience store late one night, he didn’t realize he was walking into a dangerous situation. Another man was in the store attempting a robbery. The clerk refused his demands and, instead of warning Fong’s client, asked him for help in calling 911. When the…

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$16 Million Settlement in Motor Vehicle Collision Case

Police officers are put in place to protect and enforce laws to keep everyone safe. But what happens when an officer of the law doesn’t follow those same laws? For Louis Bertsche’s client, it was disastrous. As she progressed on her motorcycle through an intersection with the right of way,…

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$1.4 Million Settlement in Distracted Driver Case

Distracted drivers are becoming the cause of more and more crashes. Marc Johnston’s client was the victim of such a distracted driver, who ran a red light right in front of her. The impact resulted in the client’s pelvis being fractured in multiple places, a brachial plexus injury, many abrasions/contusions/lacerations,…

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