At Focus Graphics, we know that a single illustration can speak a thousand words, and are therefore extremely sensitive to ensuring that every detail is included in your illustrations.  Not only do we have a medical expert on staff who will review your medical records and images, we will, with your consent and approval, reach out to your treating doctors or experts to ensure that your medical illustrations are driving home the critical medical evidence that will increase the value of your cases.  Our team is committed to creating medical illustrations that are accurate and compelling.  In addition to these services, you can choose to have your medical illustration go through our focus group process to make sure that your jury will understand the medical details of your case.

Pain Management of the lumbar spine.
Pain Management of the lumbar spine.
Surgical procedure illustration detailed as to the medical operation report.
Surgical procedure illustration detailed as to the medical operation report.
Disc herniations in the cervical spine.
Disc herniations in the cervical spine.

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