How much should I budget on case costs?

Many attorneys have inquired how much they should budget for costs on a case. Ideally, we would recommend attempting to keep your costs below ten percent (10%) of the settlement valuation you have placed on the case. Clearly this is not always possible, as we have all had that case where we have spent way more than ten percent (10%) in costs versus the valuation of the case. While the overspending may happen to us on rare occasions, the problem seen with many plaintiff attorneys is that they fail to spend the money necessary to drive the value of their cases. For example, for less than $500, an attorney can have an effective medical illustration drawn to show, in stark detail, their client’s injuries, and the medical illustration will often have the impact of driving up the value of your case at mediation because the insurance adjuster will see that you are ready to present your case to a jury. Despite the low costs associated with medical illustrations, all too often attorneys don’t spend a dime on their demonstratives, and it ultimately costs them a lot of money. When you think about what we all pay the typical medical expert, at least $10,000 and frequently more, it is hard to understand why you would not provide your high paid medical expert with the medical illustrations they need to bring their testimony to life in front of the jury.

Whether you believe your case is worth $1,000,000 and you have a budget of $100,000 on costs, or you believe your case is worth $100,000 and you have a budget of $10,000 to spend on costs, Focus Graphics can provide you with medical illustrations and animations that will drive up the value of your case.

Lumbar Laminectomy Example
Medical Illustration of Lumbar Laminectomy

Let us bring your case to life.....

Our team of animators, illustrators and medical professionals are ready to make your demonstratives ready for your next mediation or litigation. Click on the link to the right or give us a call (702) 849-0090.