Affordable Animation Helps Win $46K Verdict

Motor vehicle collision cases are not uncommon, and many settle prior to trial. Unimpressed by settlement offers for his client in a rear-end collision, Orlando De Castroverde was prepared to take the case to a jury. He knew that he needed an animation to show the procedures his client had…

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$16 Million Settlement in Motor Vehicle Collision Case

Police officers are put in place to protect and enforce laws to keep everyone safe. But what happens when an officer of the law doesn’t follow those same laws? For Louis Bertsche’s client, it was disastrous. As she progressed on her motorcycle through an intersection with the right of way,…

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$1.4 Million Settlement in Distracted Driver Case

Distracted drivers are becoming the cause of more and more crashes. Marc Johnston’s client was the victim of such a distracted driver, who ran a red light right in front of her. The impact resulted in the client’s pelvis being fractured in multiple places, a brachial plexus injury, many abrasions/contusions/lacerations,…

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Settlement of 40x Original Offer Achieved in Motor Vehicle-Pedestrian Collision Case

A crosswalk is typically considered a safe place to walk and gives pedestrians the right of way. Kimberly Valentin’s client was using a crosswalk when she was struck by a pickup truck, the impact knocking her to the ground. The client was transported to the hospital, but although there was…

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Medical Illustrations Help Take $0 Offer to 7-figure Settlement

Adam Muslusky and April Bonifatto’s client lived the nightmare that happens too often – a commercial vehicle ran a red light, turning left, and slammed into the minivan being driven by their client, crumpling the front end and deploying airbags. The trauma didn’t end there, however; the force of the…

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