Trench Collapse Case Results in Confidential Settlement

Shortcuts save time, sure, but there’s a reason why standards are put in place and that is to protect anyone involved – workers and public alike – from potential injury or death. While issues can still occur even when following rules perfectly, the chance of catastrophe increases exponentially when rules…

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Rear-end Collision Results in $8.5M Verdict

Attorneys are faced with challenging cases all the time, and Ron Croft Bone is no exception. His 74-year old female client was rear-ended by a box truck at about 45MPH…seems like a homerun! But Mr. Bone had some hurdles to clear. His client had actually slammed on the brakes at…

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Innovative 3D Spine Used in $14M+ Verdict for Bicyclist Struck by SUV

Millions of people ride bicycles everyday – for pleasure, for exercise, for transportation. Riding with friends is a favorite pastime for many, and Ben Bingham’s client was no different. He, his wife, and his brother decided one evening to go on a “wing ride” where they rode their bikes from…

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High 7-figure Settlement in Air Bag Failure Case

Expectation, when purchasing a vehicle, is that all safety features will work as expected should an accident occur. Crumple zones, air bags, seat belts…they should all work together to protect the occupants of a vehicle. Unfortunately for Cassandra Thorson’s client, her safety system, specifically her vehicle air bags, did not…

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Monster $200M Verdict in Insurance Bad Faith Case

Doctors take an oath to do no harm, but what happens when their intent is curbed by big business in the form of health insurance companies? For Doug Terry and Matt Sharp, their client suffered the ultimate loss…the death of a loved one because the insurance company, Sierra Health &…

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