$91M Verdict in Premises Liability Case

When Eric Fong’s client entered a convenience store late one night, he didn’t realize he was walking into a dangerous situation. Another man was in the store attempting a robbery. The clerk refused his demands and, instead of warning Fong’s client, asked him for help in calling 911. When the would-be robber walked out of the store, he went right to the client’s car and started rifling through it. The client followed him out and asked him what he was doing, at which point the robber took out a metal bat he had in his backpack and began beating the client with it, causing nerve damage in his right thumb, spraining his left shoulder, and significant trauma to his head, including a moderate to severe TBI, retinal damage, multiple skull fractures, a fractured tooth, a subarachnoid hemorrhage, and a subdural hematoma. While he was on the ground from the final blow to his head, the robber began trying to find his keys, punching the client repeatedly to keep him subdued. Once the robber acquired the keys, he stole the client’s car, leaving him staggering in pain. Eric Fong came to Focus Graphics to help him show the injuries sustained due to this convenience store not following protocol for robberies. He had grainy security camera footage, so we suggested using that to do an enhancement animation to highlight the injuries as they occurred in the video, then cataloguing the myriad effects from those injuries in the animation. We also provided MRI colorizations, as well as an injury summary board and an ongoing symptoms board for the more extensive injuries. Together, the collection of demonstratives succeeded in painting the picture Mr. Fong wanted the jury to see so they could understand the pain suffered, as well as the long road ahead. 

brain injury summary
Eye injury summary
Injury summary board of a person who was hit in the head with a baseball bat

"It isn't enough to tell the jury what the injuries are, you have to show them. The more vivid and descriptive, the more memorable the imagery will be for the jurors, and the more memorable the artwork is, the more impact those visual aides have in the deliberation room. I have worked with many of the top artists and companies that do this kind of work and, bar none, Focus Graphics is the most responsive, vivid, and powerful visual aide artists in the business. Their work made a difference in this case."

Attorney Eric Fong

~Eric Fong, Esq., Port Orchard, WA Fong Law

Ready to find out more?

Our team of animators, illustrators and medical professionals are ready to make your demonstratives ready for your next mediation or litigation. Click on the link to the right or give us a call (702) 849-0090.