$0 offer to $875k Judgment on a Jury Verdict Using Demonstrative Animation

Although he had video evidence of his client slipping on a wet floor in a hotel casino, attorney William “Will” Sykes, Esq., needed to show the biomechanics of how the fall shattered his client’s patella. The defendant had come back with no offer for his client, so a detailed demonstrative would be necessary to show a jury that the hotel casino was at fault in his client's fall. Mr. Sykes turned to Focus Graphics in order to produce the demonstrative he needed.

It was decided that, in order to really make an impact, we would create a demonstrative animation that would pair with the actual footage of the fall and the animation of the fall, showing how it resulted in the shattered patella. We also included the resulting x-rays to show the damage sustained. Through our focus group process, we learned that keeping the surrounding animation clean and just focusing on the body of the client would yield the best results. This proved to be accurate as, once in front of a real jury, they awarded the client $600K with a final judgment of $875K. The animation below focuses on the portion created by Focus Graphics to show multiple angles of the patellar injury.

“Our team chose Focus Graphics because of their reliability, accuracy and timeliness. Their focus group process showed us that by using their animation, a jury would likely award a minimum of $500,000 to our client. We had focus grouped our case before having the animation done, and our top numbers for damage were coming in around $200,000. Our jury returned a verdict of $600,000, which proved Focus Graphics’ process is spot on. Just as important, the court granted us every penny in costs, bringing the total judgement to $875k, so the actual cost to our client was zero because the defendant paid the cost of the animation. Thank you, Focus Graphics, for all of your hard work and insight.”

Photo of Will Sykes, Esq

~William Sykes, Esq., Las Vegas, NV | Claggett & Sykes Law Firm

Let us bring your case to life.....

Our team of animators, illustrators and medical professionals are ready to make your demonstratives ready for your next mediation or litigation. Click on the link to the right or give us a call (702) 849-0090.